Netgroup+Nebula! We are happy to present Nebula as a new qualified member in Netgroup. With Nebula we will further strenghten our competence and offer within software development, with focus on cloudservices, system saftey and cyber security. Nebula is present in many countries and broadens Netgroups offer in off-short solutions, which is much asked for by our customers.
“We are very happy to become a part of Netgroup, together we will create even more value for our customers within the Automotive industry.
Nebula Automotive will bring deep competence within software development – Everything from applications to cloudservices to embedded systems, systemarchitecture / system design, system safety and cyber security. To secure the very best competence in these areas, we recruit talants globaly, so we are present in many countries and by that we can offer efficient off-shore solutions.
We are starting a new, exciting chapter and we really look forward to cooperate with the other companies in Netgroup to create new, innovative solutions for our customers..”
— Magnus Wallin, Co-CEO, Nebula Automotive